The Rockwell is a new boss in ARK that can be found on the island of Scorched Earth. It is a flying creature with a large, rocky body and sharp teeth. This guide will teach you how to fight, summon, and earn rewards from the Rockwell Boss.
The ARK Rockwell Boss Guide is a guide that gives information about the ARK Rockwell boss. It includes information on how to summon, fighting, and variants of the boss. It also has rewards and drops.
Rockwell is the only boss you’ll face on Aberration, and he’s the map’s final adversary.
Once you’ve spent all of the necessary tributes to open the Aberration Portal, you’ll be battling Rockwell as a boss in Abberation.
This monster has a humanoid form and is revealed to have corrupted, with tentacles emanating from his body and around the pool in which he is present.
Other ARK Boss Guides may be found here
What is the best way to summon Rockwell?
You’ll need to go to the Aberration terminal and use the tributes mentioned below to summon the Rockwell.
Tributes to Norman Rockwell
The Depths’ Artifact | 1 | 1 | 1 |
The Shadows’ Artifact | 1 | 1 | 1 |
The Stalker’s artifact | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Scale of the Basilisk | 0 | 4 | 8 |
Venom with no name | 0 | 12 | 20 |
Gland of the Reaper | 0 | 2 | 7 |
Feather of Rock Drake | 0 | 2 | 7 |
Fang of the Basilisk Alpha | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Claw of Alpha Karkinos | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Barb, the Alpha Reaper King | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Taking on Rockwell
As long as Rockwell’s tentacles remain standing, he will be invulnerable, and you must destroy them before you can do any damage to him.
Rockwell will be dazed after the tentacles have been destroyed, leaving him susceptible to assaults.
Repeat the process of destroying his tentacles and inflicting harm on him until his life is totally depleted and he dies.
After suffering some damage, Rockwell will try to unleash an area-effect shock strike to dismount you; prevent this by maintaining your distance or stunning him.
It’s a good idea to bring a Charge Lantern or a light pet since there will be Nameless spawning in the battle, and they may be irritating if you’re trying to concentrate on Rockwell.
Keep an eye out for Rockwell’s projectiles, which do a little damage in a small area but may be destroyed if fired at.
Because the arena is not radiated, you may wear whatever armor suits you best, and don’t forget to bring ranged weapons.
Variants of Rockwell

1) Gamma Rockwell
The Gamma Rockwell version is the weakest of the bunch, with purple and pink as the original distorted hues.
Gamma Stats by Rockwell
Health | 42000 |
Stamina | 400 |
Oxygen | 2000 |
Food | 2600 |
Weight | 3000 |
Damage from Melee | 0 |
The Rate of Movement | 100% |
Torpidity | 350 |
Unlocks the Engram
- Gauntlets of Tek
- Generator of Tek
- Leggings by Tek
- Replicator Tek
- Tek Sleeping Pod is a sleeping pod designed by Tek. is a sleeping pod designed by Tek. is a sleeping pod designed by Tek.
- Trough Tek
The Gamma Aberrant Implant may be obtained by defeating Rockwell Gamma.
2) Rockwell, Beta
Rockwell’s Beta version features a yellow glow with a touch of red and orange in the middle, keeping his model but changing the colors.
Beta Stats for Rockwell
Health | 68500 |
Stamina | 400 |
Oxygen | 2000 |
Food | 2600 |
Weight | 3000 |
Damage from Melee | 0 |
The Rate of Movement | 100% |
Torpidity | 350 |
Unlocks the Engram
- Drake
- Tek Boots are a pair of boots designed by Tek. are a pair of boots designed by Tek.
- Chestpiece by Tek
- Dedicated Storage by Tek
- Gauntlets of Tek
- Generator of Tek
- Helmet of Tek
- Leggings by Tek
- Replicator Tek
- Rifle Tek
- Tek Sleeping Pod
- Trough Tek
The Beta Aberrant Implant may be obtained by defeating Beta Rockwell.
3) Rockwell, Alpha
The Alpha version of Rockwell’s glow is red, and he maintains the rest of his appearance, with the exception of a color difference between his body and tentacles.
Alpha Stats by Rockwell
Health | 115000 |
Stamina | 400 |
Oxygen | 2000 |
Food | 2600 |
Weight | 3000 |
Damage from Melee | 0 |
The Rate of Movement | 100% |
Torpidity | 350 |
Unlocks the Engram
- Chamber for Cloning
- Rex Tek Saddle is a saddle made by Rex Tek.
- Drake
- Tek Boots
- Chestpiece by Tek
- Dedicated Storage by Tek
- Forcefield Tek
- Gauntlets of Tek
- Generator of Tek
- Helmet of Tek
- Leggings by Tek
- Railgun Tek
- Replicator Tek
- Rifle Tek
- Tek Sleeping Pod
- Teleporter Tek
- Trough Tek
The Alpha Aberrant Implant may be obtained by defeating Alpha Rockwell.

Rockwell Gamma
- The Norman Rockwell Award
- Flag of Rockwell
- Skin of an Otter
- Dinosaur Helmet Skin
Rockwell Beta
- The Norman Rockwell Award
- Flag of Rockwell
- Skin of an Otter
- Dinosaur Helmet Skin
- Skin for Chili Helmet
Rockwell Alpha
- The Norman Rockwell Award
- Flag of Rockwell
- Skin of an Otter
- Dinosaur Helmet Skin
- Skin for Chili Helmet
- Skin for a Scary Skull Helmet
- Bringing powerful tames is an excellent idea since the Nameless may be a diversion and hinder you from fighting Rockwell effectively.
- Avoid being struck by Rockwell’s missiles, since they may harm your shoulder-mounted pets, perhaps obstructing your ability to vanquish the nameless.
- Rockwell is easily beaten if you concentrate on eliminating his tentacles as soon as possible.
- Because Rockwell’s area of effect shock strike can dismount you, putting you at risk of being murdered by the Nameless, make sure you have tames that can defend you.
The ark rockwell strategy is a guide for the ARK Rockwell boss. It includes information on how to summon, fighting, and variants of the boss.